Okay, so I got a little one from DCoconuts, and kept it alive this summer, and it's doing well. My son in law admired them (also a plant nut) so I got a few for him from Kim to give as a Christmas present. And of course a couple more for me, so they would have friends.
Several of the ones from Kim were dormant when received, but then started putting out leaves again so I repotted and started watering. All have leaves now except for one.
Now I'm dangerously confident and ready to experiment. I read a bunch on how to prune and/or fatten the caudal, and of course a couple of obligatory YouTube videos. I really want to prune the top of at least one or two of mine to make side branches get thicker, etc. I'm not brave enough yet to prune a root. Do I really just slice off the part I'm pruning above a joint? It seems so.... scary. Only because I've never grown them before. I can prune away a peach tree or hydrangea or even orchid like there's no tomorrow.
From what I read, fall/winter is a good time to do this but spring or summer are also okay. These are definitely not dormant right now. And may not go dormant, because I'm babying them. And shall I just put a cinnamon paste on the wound? Can I keep the part I cut off and root it? Presume just put into a perlite-ish mix and keep watering as long as it doesn't drop leaves? It looks rather like a jade, where you let the cut dry for awhile before sticking it back in?
I'd like some advice from folks I know and trust who actually grow them, instead of following the unknown folks who like to write articles and/or make videos. Thanks in advance!