I will get nothing from this thread other than the satisfaction that i can recommend this with all of my being.
I was given this hat by my cousin in 2004 when i graduated law school, I was doing a ton of kayak fishing and spearfishing and he was working at REI at the time and it was a super nice gift.
I have used this hat at least 2 days a week since, sometime daily, it has been to several countries on several continents, and, other than a small blood stain and little wrinkle in the bill, it looks new.
The hat is perfect, it has two straps that are continuous so you can go with both or just front or just back, anti microbial, washable, it floats, nothing on it can rust, it is cool and comfortable (fitted but it has a little stretch) and it has a hidden interior pocket where i keep a small baggie with a copy of my ID, fishing lic, $20 and a bucktail jig with 50' of line
Tilley by
J Solo, on Flickr
the inside with pocket
Tilley by
J Solo, on Flickr
it is as good a gardening hat as it is on the ocean and i hope if you need a hat you get one because it is truly the last hat you will evet need.
when i was in mexico for a friends bachelor party a giant Scot came by and, without introduction, bellows, "Is yeer name in yeer tilley?" I said HUH?? and he repeated slowly Is. Yer. name. in. yer. tilley???
and i finally figured out i was wearing a tilley and something about my name..he then takes off his hat and shows me his name and phone number and says he lost the hat on a fishing trip in nova scotia and it came back because another tilley owner found it and knew he must be sad to be so far from his hat....they are that good