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WaterWitchin 05-27-2021 02:32 PM

8 Attachment(s)
Walk around the yard today. Allium, American Wisteria (Kentucky I think), Clematis, Honeysuckle, Black Elderberry. The elderberry picture doesn't do it justice... the flowers are all a super light shade of pink, the leaves almost black. Impossible for me to get the color correct on my cell phone.

Roberta 05-27-2021 04:43 PM

What a wonderful show! I love spring!

Dollythehun 05-27-2021 07:39 PM

Very pretty. My alliums are done, honeysuckle just starting, Siberians coming on.

SouthPark 05-27-2021 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Fuerte Rav (Post 958641)
Lovely plant SouthPark!
I'd like to give these a try but I've not had any luck tracking seed down. 1 US site that doesn't take credit card or Paypal and some sites that also offer 'blue rose' seed etc :rofl:

hahaha! Those seed sellers with the amazing alien parallel universe plants are just ........ unbelievable hahaha

It was just unusual that our ebay sites in Australia wasn't selling any of this sort of hibiscus plant ------ which surprised me. But getting seeds eventually will set us up forever ----- these plants are probably indestructable! Quite strong and fast growers.

Dollythehun 05-31-2021 07:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is our Cherokee Princess dogwood. It's part of the Stellar Series. It blooms after our native dogwoods and before the Kousas.

SADE2020 06-01-2021 09:22 AM

Hello 👋 you all!!

Ok, so this is another jewel I have in my mad house. For years I've been criticized for having this beauty...;)

Anyone know what's it? Or even better what's does?.... (Not valid to search with Google lens :biggrin:)


Dollythehun 06-01-2021 10:17 AM

Yes. It's a Brugsmania. What cultivar, I don't know. It's a Datura relative so, the family is poisonous.

WaterWitchin 06-01-2021 10:27 AM

Brugmansia a/k/a Angel's trumpet. Nightshade family.
Good for keeping moles out of the yard.

---------- Post added at 09:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 AM ----------

:rofl: Dolly and WW to the rescue! Guarantee we didn't have to google it either. :biggrin:

PS don't touch or prune plant without washing hands immediately after.

SADE2020 06-01-2021 10:40 AM

@Dolly and @WW I am surrendering, no more guess jokes or quest; too much knowledge in the forum!


I was the one looking out what was a Mole, never heard the name in English :roll:, we don't have it here or in my birthplace. Really look discussing, mouse with hands and nouse.

WaterWitchin 06-01-2021 11:26 AM

You haven't experienced the thrill of moles in your yard, until a dog goes along digging up the tunnels everywhere to catch a mole. Quite entertaining, dangerous to walk, and a lot of filling in holes.

Clawhammer 06-01-2021 11:40 AM

Hard to beat a Tall Bearded Iris!

Here is 'Ancient Echoes". Smells like root beer!

[IMG]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...97393476_o.jpgUntitled by Eric, on Flickr[/IMG]

WaterWitchin 06-01-2021 11:43 AM

Wow! Simply stunning colors. I have one that smells like rootbeer, but it isn't nearly as gorgeous as that.

Dollythehun 06-01-2021 11:52 AM

Or until you've seen someone sitting in the front yard with a martini and a pitchfork over a molehole.

estación seca 06-01-2021 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Dollythehun (Post 959133)
Yes. It's a Brugsmania. What cultivar, I don't know. It's a Datura relative so, the family is poisonous.

Years ago I noticed my right eye had blurry vision. I looked in the mirror and found my right pupil was widely dilated. This can be a sign of a stroke but I felt fine. I thought back to what I had done that day. I had tip pinched a Brugmansia. I washed my hands afterward and later put in my contact lenses. There must have been residual scopolamine on my finger. It dilates eyes, raises heart rate and can make people delirious in a sufficient dose.

Fuerte Rav 06-01-2021 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by SADE2020 (Post 959129)
Hello 👋 you all!!

Ok, so this is another jewel I have in my mad house. For years I've been criticized for having this beauty...;)

Anyone know what's it? Or even better what's does?.... (Not valid to search with Google lens :biggrin:)

Swap some seed Sade?

I have a Datura with plain yellow flowers and one with purple and white. My understanding is that in general Brugmansia flowers face down while Datura face up.
I'd love some seed from your beautiful specimen, please!



SADE2020 06-02-2021 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Fuerte Rav (Post 959193)
Swap some seed Sade?

Sure!! send me a PM with your address..

WaterWitchin 06-02-2021 09:22 AM

Still love those purple and yellow Datura. I looked them up to buy a couple... sadly, they wouldn't survive the winters in my area.

Dusty Ol' Man 06-03-2021 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by WaterWitchin (Post 959220)
Still love those purple and yellow Datura. I looked them up to buy a couple... sadly, they wouldn't survive the winters in my area.

Just don't eat the root!:rofl:

WaterWitchin 06-06-2021 12:30 PM

Okay, check it out!
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Look what DollyTheHun found in her yard! A lot of folks never get the opportunity to see this. It's a praying mantis egg sack (ootheca)....


And for size comparison...


Isn't it marvelous?!? Here's hoping she can get a picture or two when those little buggers start to hatch.

Dusty Ol' Man 06-06-2021 02:52 PM

Read to the end of the article.

Sacred Datura | Nature Collective

Dollythehun 06-06-2021 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by WaterWitchin (Post 959531)
Okay, check it out!
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Look what DollyTheHun found in her yard! A lot of folks never get the opportunity to see this. It's a praying mantis egg sack (ootheca)....


And for size comparison...


Isn't it marvelous?!? Here's hoping she can get a picture or two when those little buggers start to hatch.

UPDATE: I heard from Kallie, my nursery inspector friend. She says this is probably a species of large moth, cecropia, polyphemus, Luna, one of the large "silk" moths. Which I think is even more exciting.

estación seca 06-06-2021 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by WaterWitchin (Post 959220)
Still love those purple and yellow Datura. I looked them up to buy a couple... sadly, they wouldn't survive the winters in my area.

The purple and yellow ones can flower as annuals. They can be kept in a pot and overwintered inside. I can send people seed of Datura wrightii, a magnificent Sonoran Desert perennial. It wouldn't live over your winters but they begin flowering quickly. It produces seed readily.

All Brugmansias and Daturas are spider mite magnets. They make good indicator plants for mite presence.

Dollythehun 06-07-2021 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by estación seca (Post 959551)
The purple and yellow ones can flower as annuals. They can be kept in a pot and overwintered inside. I can send people seed of Datura wrightii, a magnificent Sonoran Desert perennial. It wouldn't live over your winters but they begin flowering quickly. It produces seed readily.

All Brugmansias and Daturas are spider mite magnets. They make good indicator plants for mite presence.

You can over winter them here. It just takes a mound of mulch.

estación seca 06-07-2021 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Dollythehun (Post 959559)
You can over winter them here. It just takes a mound of mulch.

Does that mean you want some seed? Mine are flowering now, and I'll have fresh seed in a few weeks.

Dollythehun 06-07-2021 08:47 AM

No. I have a huge one, thank you. My flowering tabacco all came back this year too.

WaterWitchin 06-07-2021 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Dusty Ol' Man (Post 959536)
Read to the end of the article.

Sacred Datura | Nature Collective

I know this Dusty. I have a lot of plants in my yard that have medicinal properties. And a 10x10 area of the white datura. :biggrin:

---------- Post added at 08:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 AM ----------


Originally Posted by Dollythehun (Post 959545)
UPDATE: I heard from Kallie, my nursery inspector friend. She says this is probably a species of large moth, cecropia, polyphemus, Luna, one of the large "silk" moths. Which I think is even more exciting.

I'm still thinking praying mantis. But I'm no plant inspector. We should find out in a few weeks, eh? Either way, cocoons are always cool. :biggrin: Was out at the lake camping a long ways back... woke up with literally at least a hundred luna moths on outside of the tent. I was so dumbfounded I didn't take a picture.

DirtyCoconuts 06-07-2021 11:50 AM

What’s a good source for bearded lily bulbs? Any reputable online spots?

Also, a neighbors cape myrtle is in bloom and that is a WOW tree

Clawhammer 06-07-2021 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts (Post 959577)
What’s a good source for bearded lily bulbs? Any reputable online spots?

Also, a neighbors cape myrtle is in bloom and that is a WOW tree

Schreiner's Iris Gardens | Iris Bulbs | Iris Plants

Just visited this place a few weeks ago, heaven. These guys are legends.

And its rhizomes not bulbs :geek:

Dollythehun 06-07-2021 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Clawhammer (Post 959581)
Schreiner's Iris Gardens | Iris Bulbs | Iris Plants

Just visited this place a few weeks ago, heaven. These guys are legends.

And its rhizomes not bulbs :geek:

DC: do we gardeners have to take you to raise? (Clawhammer beat me to the punch.)

Leafmite 06-07-2021 12:49 PM

Forget-me-nots are another flower I like. I tried to grow them from seed twenty years ago. Nothing. I gave up. For the past two years, I have had forget-me-nots show up in the flower bed.

camille1585 06-07-2021 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Leafmite (Post 959590)
Forget-me-nots are another flower I like. I tried to grow them from seed twenty years ago. Nothing. I gave up. For the past two years, I have had forget-me-nots show up in the flower bed.

I love forget-me-nots, they're one of my favorite wild flowers! I too tried to grow them from seed here (Netherlands) as they remind me of home (France), but they seem very picky in terms of germination conditions. At my mother's village they are native flowers, and every spring the side of the roads and paths are an explosion of color, forget-me-nots included. My mother's yard (aka, a wild piece of semi woodland) is also full of forget-me-nots at this time of year.





I've very sad that due to covid related restrictions I wasn't able to visit my mother this spring....

Roberta 06-07-2021 01:58 PM

So beautiful - and love that little Ladybug. So hopeful for ending of travel restrictions as vaccinations drive down the COVID numbers!

camille1585 06-07-2021 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Roberta (Post 959595)
So beautiful - and love that little Ladybug. So hopeful for ending of travel restrictions as vaccinations drive down the COVID numbers!

I really hope so... I haven't seen my family in a year, and it's emotionally/mentally very difficult to deal with. I have my first vaccine shot already and the EU vaccination passport should let me travel this summer. However, the Indian variant is on the rise in the UK, and I'm so afraid that everything going to blow up again on mainland Europe before August.

DirtyCoconuts 06-07-2021 03:10 PM

1) I am always ignorant and looking to learn

2) the link calls them iris bulbs lol!!

Fuerte Rav 06-07-2021 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by estación seca (Post 959551)

All Brugmansias and Daturas are spider mite magnets. They make good indicator plants for mite presence.

Yep, my daturas are normally plagued with spider mites, but not this year!

Some kind soul posted on here about the eggs being destroyed if they got wet so I changed my watering habits. As we don't get rain the whole garden gets watered by hose at least twice a week - a labour of love where I get to inspect and enjoy every plant/tree. Now when I get to a datura I turn the lance to a fine spray and water the plant from underneath, lance pointing up. So far, no spider mite infestation this year - yippee! Thank you, whoever you were!

I was also going to suggest growing as annuals. My plants all do best on year 1 and 2 and then the salt build up gets too much for them and they decline. I'm quite ruthless now and pull them up when they finish year 2 flowers. There are always loads of seedlings ready to take over and I just leave the strongest few and pot up the rest to give away.

You can see here the seedlings that have popped up in a nearby pot!


WaterWitchin 06-08-2021 08:59 AM

Love forget-me-nots! And they are super hard to get started and keep growing...at least here. Never have gotten any to survive a winter, and gave up. Love the heart spot on that ladybug.

DC... bearded iris don't do well in your area. They need a cold break. Try Louisiana iris for best effect.

DirtyCoconuts 06-08-2021 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by WaterWitchin (Post 959653)
Love forget-me-nots! And they are super hard to get started and keep growing...at least here. Never have gotten any to survive a winter, and gave up. Love the heart spot on that ladybug.

DC... bearded iris don't do well in your area. They need a cold break. Try Louisiana iris for best effect.



any recommended sources?

WaterWitchin 06-08-2021 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts (Post 959661)


any recommended sources?

I haven't vetted these in probably six years, but it was the place I found the first wholesalers (Louisiana Iris Farm and Bois d'Arc) when I was buying wholesale and still in business. I think those wholesalers also sell registered singles. (look at bottom of home page)
Sources for Louisiana Irises
Or I could also send you a few around September. That's the time to divide. :biggrin:

DirtyCoconuts 06-08-2021 03:36 PM

you know i can be patient :)

---------- Post added at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:35 PM ----------

besides, that is a good amount of time for the new episcia to root for you

Fuerte Rav 06-08-2021 05:55 PM





Seed pod

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