Does anyone have some expertise on growing Madagascar Jewel? I have one that's grown so top-heavy I've been propping it with a stake for the past couple of years. Now it keeps pulling the stake over sideways and I have to prop the stake against the windowsill. It isn't fitting into my sunroom now, after moving some other plants in this fall.
Have you ever "pruned" or "topped out" one? Will it die, or slowly scab over and the other branches keep going? I know the sap is an irritant (reminds me of a pencil plant). But I'm wanting to cut off a pretty good "chunk" of the top of plant (about a foot or more) right about where the bottom of the bird cage behind it hits. Any advise? PS I have a couple of smaller ones, but I'm always growing them out to give someone who wants one and hate to sacrifice one of them just to find out.