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Old 08-14-2006, 08:16 AM
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Default Stolen Stuff

Just curious if anyone had any stuff stolen. I was cutting the grass yesterday, behind the house. Some @#$%@!!$$%% @$^@ *@#$@!! $&&@!#$# came into my garage and ripped off my $2000+ Trek bike and dumped his piece of @#$% at the curb! I was soooooooooooo pissed! That was an awesome bike, had all the toys, disk brakes, nice shocks, riser bars, bike computer, etc

did a police report. I"ll claim it through insurance. But i could have done without the deductible and the runaround.
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Old 08-14-2006, 09:49 AM
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Marty...that just SUCKS!!!
Years ago, I had gone food shopping and threw my purse in the car while I was loading the groceries into the trunk. Mind you...I was RIGHT THERE!!! and when I went to drive off, I noticed my purse was gone!
I had to cancel all my credit cards but there wasn't much cash. I also had pictures and things that I was really upset about losing. I got a phone call from the Post Office a few days later saying that they had my wallet! Somebody had thrown it into a mail box and the mailman brought it in to the office. It was a big mess...I got my pictures and stuff back but had already cancelled all the cards, what a pain!
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Old 08-14-2006, 11:29 AM
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Some people have a lot of balls (can I say that here?)

My wife had her wallet stolen out of her purse while at a movie by the person sitting behind her! Did not realize it until later that night. Went through all the BS - reported the theft, cancelled all the cards, etc. But what about the identity theft - that is a big one.

Have you even seen a woman's wallet or purse, perhaps we should call it a My Complete Life Holder . Who can remember everything that is in those things?

Probably not related, but scary......
A while later I get a letter from my credit card with the second card that was requested for my wife Brenda? Now I truely do love my wife, but I did not ever request a card for her and plus her name is Linda! Called the company and they had on file a signed request for a second card on my account, clearly stating the name as Brenda. Had the card promptly reported stolen and all cancelled.

Makes you wonder how that happened. After that we started to be sure to collect our mail promptly and everything that indicates who we are, companies we deal with, bank with, shop at, are members of, have subscriptions to, etc is completely shredded before leaving our home. Identity theft is the latest and greatest crime - it can destroy your life.
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Last edited by Oscarman; 08-14-2006 at 01:53 PM..
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Old 08-14-2006, 12:26 PM
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Sorry to hear of the trouble , another thing , I don't know if you get the courtesy checks with bills like gas , and others , I call them and request they are not sent anyone could sign them
About 3 years ago someone stole our ATV. pushed it out filled it with gas from our can and it was gone , My old Great Dane snored thru the whole thing .
There is now chain link across the drive , gates locked , and a motion sensor across the drive , I am in a nice but not fancy neighborhood that it where the $#$%$ thieves go to rip you off . Gin

Last edited by Gin; 08-14-2006 at 12:32 PM..
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Old 08-14-2006, 02:42 PM
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Sorry to hear all these stories guys!!
Back in the early 90's my family's Chevy Blazer got stolen twice, its back window was also stolen twice, separate from the other two times. Mayor Giuliani came into power and he put that to a end, real fast. And we still have the Chevy
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Old 08-20-2006, 09:45 AM
Tikva Tikva is offline
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Marty, I so understand. When I first met my husband, he was "on the road" - installing phone systems for MCI. He had a big white work truck with cover and all of his things in the back. Somebody smashed the window, bled ALL over his things, and stole his very expensive mountain bike. My husband isn't an emotional person but he cried. And he still thinks about it and almost looks for it. He added onto it himself and rode it like crazy and..... I am SO mad at the person who caused him such pain. That person has NO clue what that bike MEANT to my husband. Not JUST in terms of money...
I am so upset for you!
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Old 08-20-2006, 10:32 AM
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Same here, I'm not really bummed out because of the financial loss, but of the violation of privacy. This bike was a lot of fun for me too. I never had an expensive quality bike like that before. I really took care of it, it was cleaned and oiled, maintained, etc...oiled that thing after every few rides. It was running like a swiss watch.

damn thieves! My b-day is coming up, my wife told me to get a new one...but now with the kid just born, I can't justify spending $2K for a bike.
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Old 08-20-2006, 10:42 AM
Tikva Tikva is offline
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Yes, it took my husband 6 years to buy another great bike. He bought me one too. He got a Canonondale Prophet and I got a Canonondale Rush. It will happen, but yes, you have to get used to the cost and time involved with real kids *giggle*
Well, they suck and I hope if you run across them that you get a few extra punches in for my husband ;c)
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bike, riser, shocks, stolen, stuff

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