I have a staghorn gifted me by an orchid buddy. I grew one in the past, very successfully, that had already been mounted on a cedar board. It was in my store, mounted next to a small water fall.
Now I'm retired, and don't have a small waterfall in my house. The fern I was gifted had been growing in a pot. It's big enough I can change it. So I looked up how to mount one. And I read the staghorn propagation thread here. Which led to me looking at keeping it in a basket instead of a mount. For my purposes now, a basket would be easier for me maintenance-wise.
To make a long question(s) short(er): Is there really any difference between mounting and in a basket, healthwise? Will it be okay either way, or is mounting really preferable? If I basket it, does it matter whether it's wire, or can I use a ceramic basket with holes (similar to the decorative orchid pots sold).
Thanks in advance, staghorn fern growers!