I hope you guys can handle one more feature! This one is very useful as it will help recognize the knowledgeable and helpful members.
At the top of ever post you will see a scale icon that looks like this . When you come across a particularly useful post, you can click on it and add to that user's reputation. Optionally you can also post a comment. Initially everyone starts at the same level as you post and users find your posts useful they can add to your reputation or if you post complete BS they can take away from your reputation.
Hopefully this feature is used and after some time if a long time member tells you to fert your orchids with mixture of hot coffee and single malt scotch and his reputation reads "-50" you'll think twice about doing it. On the other hand feel free to do it, if they have high reputation
Few features & safeguards are in place:
You gain one reputation point for every 365 cycle of being registered
You gain one reputation point for every 50 posts
For every 100 reputation points you get an extra point
You may not add or remove user reputation unless you have made at least 50 posts
You cannot give multiple reputation points to the same user. After you've hit 5 other users you can then give another rep point to the previous user.
You can give 25 points during a day
You cannot see who left you reputation (though this may change, not sure which is better)
To see the reputations and comments (if left) and for which posts they were received, click on UserCP at the top forum menu. When you scroll down, they will be right under your subscribed threads.
Currently the breakdown is as follows:
99999 User is infamous around these parts -50 User can only hope to improve -10 User has a little shameless behaviour in the past 0 User is an unknown quantity at this point 10 User is on a distinguished road 50 User is on a distinguished road 150 User has a spectacular aura about 250 User is a jewel in the rough 350 User is just really nice 450 User is a glorious beacon of light 550 User is a name known to all 650 User is a splendid one to behold 1000 User has much to be proud of 1500 User has a brilliant future 2000 User has a reputation beyond repute
When I click on the 'scales of justice', it gives you a place to make a comment.
Where will that comment appear? At the bottom of that person's post? and it will be anonymous at this time? Is that what you meant in your last feature and safeguards?
You can still post until your fingers bleed. I think it will be nice to have people that really know what they're talking about be recognized by the community. You basically carry on as usual, with the exception that if you do find a useful or informative post, give credit where credit is due. This isn't intended to hinder the user activity in any way.
I think it's a good feature, I noticed it, but didn't realize it was new (being as I'm new). I'd like to thank both Dorothy and Ross for their quick replies to my concern, I'm a little less worried thinking my orchids still have a chance, and I've felt very welcomed by them both.
So is the little green square that says I am on a distinguished road a part of the Rep feature or is it something separate? I've seen members with 0 Rep but they have the green square. One more question, how can you tell which post(s) someone found particularly helpful?
Last edited by quiltergal; 06-24-2007 at 12:39 PM..