Hi people
i didn't want to be envolved in this but, even so

, here it goes:
No matter what you do you will always have people that want to take advantage of that reputaton system in a mean way (sometimes why only God knows).
There is always people that are more sensitive than others and we can't think that we can implement a system like that without perturbing them with the unavoidable injustices that would appear. Call it a sharp sense of justice or whatever you want.
If some people don't appear much, they would become even more intimidated by this system.
Some would try hard to build a great reputation and for some the expectation would bring frustration and a desired feeling to go away.
Just for example, I agree with Dennis, but also with Dorothy. It would be nice to give a "gift" to people that are "wasting" time with us, but for the greater good of Orchid Board i think this is not the way to go!
Nevertheless, it seems to me that this discussion only brings strength to the board and not chaos. Personally, although harder to maintain, i think that a board where the members have a vote and influence the great moderators that we have is a very good sign. I would enter this board if I saw this discussion
I am new here, but I felt that my opinions where taken into account, even without that system. But to avoid frustration I believe people should not expect much. Give the advices and opinions that your time and will allows, no more. Don't do personal sacrifices (except moderators

). In this way, a more productive and natural feeling towards the board will be maintained on the long run.
just my thoughts!