Originally Posted by Dorothy
Your babies will bounce back in no time ! 
I hope you're right. I took a good look at the phal last night, and there are some nice roots growing, which is encouraging, because when I got it, there were no roots, just brown husks

I had to anchor the plant in with rocks, and be very careful with it. Now it was doing so nicely and I went ahead and ruined it's leaves.
I was reading somewhere that cutting off the stem completely stimulates leaf growth, so I'm wondering if I should do that...right now I have the stem trimmed past the second node. I'm thinking I should just leave well enough alone, it's the waiting for a growth period that's driving me nuts. If there's anything I should be doing to either one I want to know what it is now, instead of waiting a few months to see if they are going to make it.
I guess that's the thing about having orchids, is they are teaching me patience