Ever since OB got started we tried to work with Orchid Clubs & Societies to somehow get them involved in our community to create a truly global experience. I've spoken with tons of club members from various areas all saying that it would be a good idea to have their club present on OB... we've waited for the administrators of their clubs to contact us ...

Few ever did.
I know we have a ton of people on OB that belong to various clubs and organizations.
I'm getting ready to set up another feature (I know Orchid Collection Database and now Orchid Clubs?!) on OB.
My idea is to allow any club member to create a profile for their club, which can then be very easily found via the Orchid Club interface, along with all the contact info and club page and possibly the clubs own forum & calendar on OB.
In addition, some of the smaller clubs may not have web presence or may have badly constructed page that is not indexed in any search engines. Our setup would be fully optimized for search engines (Google/Yahoo) and chances are any club entered would pop up in search engines first with a link to OB than to their own club website.