I don't hear from members in Hawaii since orchids are landscape plants there? Is it maybe because they are so common? I mean we don't have a board (that I know of) for dandelions I tried to look at the member map but it must have been down (all I got was two yellow rectangles with X's in the top left corner.) This is just from the curious side of my brain (which seems to have swelled lately)
I don't remember every getting any members from Hawaii. We all would have made a big fuss about it, like when you went. You are the one who visited Hawaii right? It would be nice to get more Pacific Islanders on the Board.
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
I have an idea! Marty -- how about creating (or having created) an ad page that can be downloaded and printed out by members for distribution at shows or mailed to vendors, etc.? Just a thought. It should be pdf so most folks can take advantage.
I have an idea! Marty -- how about creating (or having created) an ad page that can be downloaded and printed out by members for distribution at shows or mailed to vendors, etc.? Just a thought. It should be pdf so most folks can take advantage.