It will look exactly the same, colour scheme isn't changing. We will just get more cool features. For example,
the search/tag cloud will give us a real picture of what is being discussed and searched by displaying a 'cloud' of key words. The larger the font the more frequently it has been tagged by users. When you click on a term on the cloud it will display a list of forum posts/articles/profiles where the discusson took place. Of course, it will be all orchid related
Users will be able to create interest groups... say the "miniatures group" or "paph group", "Women of OrchidBoard"

, etc. You can then see who else is in the group and shares your interest, etc
Like I already mentioned, the profiles will be much more interactive and will look somewhat like this, but with our colour scheme of course will be 100% customizable by you so you can change the default look and feel of your profile.
In addition to the gallery that we have, users will be able to post photos to their profiles.
There's a lot of changes, coming, all for the better IMO. It will make this place better, more secure and much more happening! It will be easier to interact with other members via the profiles, but at the same time the forum will also have a lot of improvements as well. Over all this will be a good change and our look and feel won't be changed, just few more features will be added, making us much more current with todays web technologies and trends