Trouble loading OB Webpages
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Old 08-17-2006, 12:57 AM
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IE is having some internal problems, not so sure what they are but periodically I get the same problem with OB and other websites as well. On my laptop I have IE 6.2 on my desktop I have IE 7 and have not had a problem on my desktop. I clear my cache every other day or so with CCleaner and periodically I run Reg Mechanic all is well, apparently a .dll file was corrupted. The strength of IE 6 is weakening making room for 7 theory Even though you have dl'd Foxfire IE is never to part from Windows, Microsoft uses IE for Windows updates. Many puter geeks recommend Foxfire as it is less likely to crash and has a higher security rating.
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Old 08-17-2006, 10:47 AM
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Thanks Cheryl.

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Old 08-18-2006, 05:50 PM
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It's the OB ghost, IE is causing a mulitude of annoying problems for me over the last few days...thks Tindo , beta really not impressive to me so I decided today to dl Foxfire, had it once before the changes will take a bit of getting use to as I have been on IE for more years than Pat's age...l Now I am having a problem in OB , when a page refreshes the complete forum menu momentarily appears to have yellow box's much like the box under the Login, than will display the menu accordingly. Any as to how I can clear this up or why this is happening. I allowed scripting as well as macroplayer.
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Old 08-19-2006, 12:42 AM
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I get that too. Firefox must be loading the pages a bit differently then explorer. Once all the components of the page are downloaded things fall in place the way they should. It's that initial second or two while it's working on it that it does that.

Live with it, It's not broke
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Old 08-19-2006, 09:32 AM
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Thanks bunches Marty, if it aint broke don't fix it is my moto ..
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Old 09-28-2006, 04:10 AM
jags jags is offline
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I have faced similar problems of slow webpage loading on IE latest.. The problem is on any or every webpage or links clicked .It takes almost 45 seconds to load and the top image loads first and you have to wait for the balance to load after a good 45 seconds..
The programming of php needs to be looked into .. Check the PHP script to work around this problem

Secondly the webpage does not adjust for browsers where the width of the page exceeds 750 pixels.. It should auotmaticlly correct it .. It is not doing so..
another point is some of the images dont preload before the webpage moves from server to client and it seems they never load again.. Just tinker with the page codes .. It might help..
Please Check the php script for a work around this problem

Another point that came to my mind is also to do with the webserver.. It has not been designed to serve many pages simultaneously .. May be increasing the bandwidth at the webserver end could improve this.. This can be tried if you open up 40 clients simultaneously ... the server will slow down feeding pages to the net and what the client will feel is the webpage slowdown.. Please check with the webserver for a work around by increasing the GB quota for webserver for page serves..If you have to load images and video the system will crash..or may get jammed and freeze..You have a solution to this problem..
Mainly you have to solve how to start feeding the pages faster...
Also some idea is to break the logo into strips for loading.. You can discuss this with your web programmer.
These are some of my personal views and thanks for taking it nicely.
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Old 09-28-2006, 04:29 AM
jags jags is offline
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Further tomy earlier comments I am posting a cpature of the webpage to highlight the problems.

You can see that the top image above the central column is black and blank.. secondly the width is more than the browser width.. though it can be adjusted at teh user end.. no one bothers..
May be it can help you improve.
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Old 10-03-2006, 04:23 PM
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Is is any better? I tweaked some things. I can remove the flash waterfall and just do a static pic, like on the main page.

OrchidBoard is on a shared host, along with probably a few hundred other websites, we're not yet at a dedicated host level, but perhaps one day. Dedicated would be over $100/month + upgrades. We would need many more sponsors to be able to sustain OB on its own on a dedicated system.

I'll see if I can make the page sizable to 760px for those of you who for some strange reason still have your res set to 800x600.
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