I got this Isabelia virginalis yesterday. I've wanted one for years, since I saw it on Andy's site, but kept putting it off. But yesterday they had one at the Seattle orchid sale, and once it was in my greedy little hands, there was no putting it down. If it grows well but never blooms I will still be happy - look at the netting on those little pseduobulbs! Isn't it cool!
From what I've read, I need to keep this drier but humid in the winter. I consider this autumn, so do I keep it watered now? Any culture suggestions? Now that I have it, I really don't want to kill it! If I mist it in the morning but it dries out in a few hours, is that sufficient? It'll be growing on a plant stand indoors, humidity 41-56. Should I put it in a terrarium for higher humidity?