When I picked this one up, it was a long stretched out leggy plant.
I had to separate it out of a mass of similarly growing plants.
It was the only one in bloom.
I broke the flower tassle off while walking around the greenhoue.
It has finally bloomed for me after taking 2 years to do so.
Online research indicated that it might take that long.
I am now seeing why I picked it out.
Neobenthamia gracilis
I planted every one of the many keikis that had formed along the stem of the parent plant.
It has a much healthier look to it than the parent plant did.
They say that after it blooms out, if you leave the old flower head on the stem, it will form many keikis along that stem.
I'm hoping that the two other growths about the size of the one in bloom will also bloom soon.
I had read that this one has a fragrance like blueberries.
Not for me.
I think of the flavor of a candy when I stick my nose into it.
Which candy?
I don't know now.