I bought two orange rhodocheilas last summer, from Carter & Holmes and from First Ray's. I left Ray's in sphagnum in its little 2" / 5cm pot, and move the C&H plant from the same kind of pot to a 1-gallon / 3.8 liter with a mix of potting soil, perlite and pumice
I also got a pink hybrid Habenaria from C&H. It died quickly; I don't know why. The two rhodocheilas grew fine through the summer but didn't bloom.
The AOS recommends a very long, bone-dry winter dormancy:
Habenaria rhodocheila
Other people, including Ray, said to water them lightly in the winter, and not to let them go dry. I took a deep breath and decided to do the bone-dry method.
The AOS article says they wake up in February or March. Mine didn't. They said to spritz lightly if there was no growth by April. I did that, and nothing happened. My growing area was hot during the days, and quite humid. What to do?
They sprouted last week on their own. I've begun regular watering.