preventing rot in disas
Rot mostly occur in disas because you water in the night from above and water in the leaves lead to crown rot. It also occurs do to to much water, and the media is to compacted.
Best way to water disas
1. Flooding method= ad water to a deep tray in which the potted plants stand so that it reaches to approx 2 cm below the rim of the pot. The water is then allowed to drain after 1-4 hours. In summer water everyday while in winter water once per weak. Keep plants on dry side in winter. Advantages of method= 1. As water rises only roots ate watered and not leaves. Burn marks and crown rot dismissed. 2. Water supply is constantly fresh. 3. Now agal growth in water.
Allow the potting media to drain freely and not be to compacted don't press the media to hard together.
Best potting mix for disas
1. 2 parts spagnum mos with 1 part perlite.
2. 2 parts silica sand with 1 part peat moss.
This counts for evergreen species, like D. Uniflora, tripetaloides, cardinalis and aurata
Last edited by disalover; 12-17-2014 at 02:39 PM..