Water only with ro water or rain water. I have one (grape swirl). They grow nicely. Need to err on the side of dryness.
Thanks! I'm already using rainwater and RO, the problem was that the strainer on my paludarium got partially clogged with sphagnum which caused the "water table" in the system to rise higher than I had planned for. It's out in the living room under lights now, so dry won't be a problem! I just hope it's not too far gone.
Mine is still growing well, but I think it is a baby, so not much action, flower wise. The cymbidiums are now outside full time, this spath will go out soon. I did forget to add that the only other instruction was to "err on the side of dryness," so it is better to slightly underwater than overwater. I don't know much about how to repot either-- what medium to use.
Last year I bought some plugs, put them into something along the lines if the Miracle-Grow Water-holding potting soil, straight out of the bag, and they did great. I found that I had a lot of leaf-tip browning if I didn't keep 'em wet, but that is a very airy, peat-based mix.
I have some seedlings I'm experimenting with, some in that mix, some in sphagnum and in S/H culture, and they all seem to be doing quite well.
I have some more on the way for resale (if it'll ever warm up a bit).