Hi everyone, I just ordered a "Phaius Tankervilleae" online and all of the information that I can find for it seems to be inconsistent. Does anyone have this or know how it likes to grow?
I was hoping to grow it outside in Burlingame (on the San Francisco Peninsula) where it only drops down to about 42 degrees fahrenheit at night in the winter.
I really appreciate any input!
It's a species from swampy areas, so a peaty mix kept constantly most works well. It should be fine with those temps provided it doesn't freeze. It's a heavy feeder when growing.
It's a species from swampy areas, so a peaty mix kept constantly most works well. It should be fine with those temps provided it doesn't freeze. It's a heavy feeder when growing.
It will not go dormant per say. It is semi-deciduous though so the older leaves and pseudo bulbs will die off after new growth is well established. Personally, I find the older growth dies back after about two years or so. But that may he because I bring mine in during the winter and it doesn't experience consistent lows below 55 unless I manually take it outside or leave it out until it is too cold.
Ooh okay! Well I'm planning on keeping mine outdoors all year round just because that space is limitless. It will however be somewhat protected and covered by the outside foyer, so it won't ever be susceptible to frost.
Sounds like a plan! I understand they are hardy to about 40 or 45F. Unfortunately, I live in MO where winter temps dip often below 0F, lol... Wish I had the warmth you do!