This terrestrial orchid specie with upright grass/reed like leaves, white petals, and red spots near the base flowers found growing on dry rock faces and mossy ledges in Tanzania at elevations of 380 to 2000 meters.
I grow this in Cymbidium mix with full sun all year round a couple of inches away from the glass on the south side facing window sill and water approximately once a week with weekly weakly fertilizer alternated with seaweed mix. This plant can also be mounted. I reduce watering during the winter to every other week.
This is forming keikis at the nodes that prompts me to spray the leaves in the mornings.
This flower clusters like pom-poms but I must have over-rested this winter that it dehydrated. I hope to get this flower to correctly bloom in form since I have started to feed it and resumed its watering regimen. The flowers are fragrant like berries and can last longer similar to Epidendrum radicans. I read that this can be pollinated by ants and small insects.
This is a single species of the genus. This orchid is named in honor of George Bentham a British botanist.