What zone are you in? I'm in st, Louis, MO, and a specialist in Hardy orchids suggested that you plant these in my zone close to the house. I do not remember exactly what zones they are custom too, but you may want to research it in relation to your own zone. There are many variations of this type of work, some can take higher zones and lower zones. It really depends on what type you get. But the standard ones that you described should be good up to my zone, again I don't remember what that is right off hand.
As far as culture goes, I mulch it very very heavily. Other than that, I do nothing special other then be sure that it remains somewhat moist. Remember it is a semi bog orchid. That is not mean that is want a bog, but it does want constant moisture. I planted several of these along the neighbors house that we have right to plant on, and I noticed the ones that got more Morning sun actually did better. Other than that they get dappled light throughout the day due to a large pin oak tree. And they get absolutely no direct light afternoon. They come up year after year and that one spot more and more heavily. And they bloom reliably.