This species is my new biggest challenge. I've admired these plants for such a long time but everything I read online talks about how difficult they are to grow, where most plants perish within the first 4 weeks after acquisition. Well, to keep a long story short ... I finally got the "pseudobulbs" to drop some hefty $$$ and give them a shot.
I ended up with a clump of plants mounted on some grapevine with a lump of damp sphagnum. Though me, being me, I decided to remove them and try something a little different. I separated the clump to find 10 individual plants and mounted them bareroot on a wire 'tree' that sits inside a cylindrical vase that sits under a light. I keep an inch of water in the bottom at all times for added humidity; and so far so good! Only thing I'm missing is the live spanish moss which will be here tuesday.
With 10 individual plants I have some room to experiment with different conditions. I soaked half of them in KLN rooting hormone just to see what happens and also plan to remove three and mount them back on grapevine once I go and buy fishing line.
Does anyone else here have any experience with these coveted ghost orchids?
Wish me luck! If I get majority of these guys to survive, I might have some plants to share with you fellow OB members in the near future!
The biggest plant:
And here's a full shot of their current growing structure: