Originally Posted by Craig Gibbon
Check out my flickr page, ive got a few pics of Steno's as well as other indigenous orchids. As its a new page, im constantly adding new pics. The address is: Flickr: Craig Gibbon's Photostream
Beautiful photos of some of the native orchids of South Africa!
I particularly love the Eulophia horsfallii and the Disa chrysostachya.
I used to have a Disa chrysostachya seedling. It didn't make it. The roots fell off when I received the seedling. It tried to make a comeback and didn't have the energy or water (no roots) to pull through. Hopefully I'll be able to get a new batch of seedlings by the next 2 yrs.
If you don't mind me asking. I've been told Disa chrysostachya grows in seasonal marshes next to streams, in peaty soil. Is this true? Or are there chunks of sandstone pebbles mixed in with the organic peat, or is it just pure peat?