Is there any scent to it? or is all the vanilla essence in the seed pod once it's processed.
Oh no, there is a scent If you go outside, take a very long walk in the sun, come back, take off your socks, and take a wiff, you will have the equivalent scent of a Vanilla planifolia flower...
Pleasing scent only comes from the processed (or just dried) pod.
Oh no, there is a scent If you go outside, take a very long walk in the sun, come back, take off your socks, and take a wiff, you will have the equivalent scent of a Vanilla planifolia flower...
Pleasing scent only comes from the processed (or just dried) pod.
It's curious that Vanilla flowers have a 'blue cheese' scent and some Stanhopeas flowers have a 'vanilla' fragrance! Sometimes orchids are really weird!