Try the following sites:
ANOS Vic culture notes
Les Nesbitts article on the ANPSA site
The ANOS Vic recommendations work well under Victorian conditions. The mix recommended in that sheet is fine although personally I like to add little more sand to the mix. The genus varies in its ease of cultivation but generally the blue species like nuda and pauciflora adapt reasonably well to pot culture. The pinks like rubra, carnea etc also perform reasonably well. There are also a number of very easy hybrids which are worth trying too.
For a more thorough description of culture, Cultivation of Native Orchids of Australia by Richards, Wootton and Datodi is worth geting hold of and is pretty cheap.
Originally Posted by Bolero
I need some urgently as I have tubers to plant up going into Spring.
You have dormant tubers at this time of year? Are they from flask? My plants are just starting to come into flower.