I have a Sarcoglottis sceptrodes I bought in spike almost a month ago and I'm sure it's pretty close to flowering (the spike's probably around 2' tall which is impressive considering it's in a tiny little pot).
I've been trying to read up on these and their care but keep hitting vendor sites that basically say "Very easy orchid grown for the foliage" but never actually say what the care is. I found one site that very briefly mentioned dormancy and another that stated that these are deciduous. A third site mentions that all Sarcoglottis species need a "slight dormant period after flowering, with some requiring a complete break from watering, so it's important to know what species you're growing and what its dormancy needs are" (
here) but does not elaborate much further.
Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place but I can't find any useful information on this plant.
What should I do during and after flowering with regard to watering etc?
What should I do once the plant has died back?
When should I repot it and into what soil? (It is in moss, moss is recommended a lot so probably moss... and up by 1 pot size?)
How when will it break dormancy? Do I need to do something or just water and wait until it does something?
Any advice will be much appreciated, this is my first orchid that will go dormant/die back and I just want to be prepared. I'll post a picture when it blooms as well. It's in something like a 2-3" square pot but the spike's about 2' tall and still going.