The show was last weekend, here are some of the pictures I made.
I only ended up buying one orchid (mastering self control by bringing my wife) Onc. Twinkle 'Red Fantasy' something I'd been looking for for a long time. It's in a 3" square pot and has 5 spikes.
The big catt is the reserve champion, and the den is the champion. I've shown the picture with the blue tag and the purple/pink ribbon to show how blue it really was.
I think someone went to town with the cinnamon on that bellina; didn't see it at the show when I was making the picture only after checking the pics at home I wondered what the brown stuff was.
This is so true lucky me I managed to get 4 chids from the show.
Thanks for the pictures. There was some amazing plants at the show, too bad I didn't have my camera..