Hi I got 2 Arundina graminifolia - Hawaii bamboo orchid bulbs on ebay.
I planted long ago - no roots - no rot yet - one started a little growth on the stem - I attach a picture below.
wonder if i am doing right because I checked and i saw no roots. is the new growth going to be a new division and grow roots from above?
I mean should i bury it deeper so the new green growth is on the soil level?
I thing keep the bulb slightly above the medium before the plant get pretty large. Since growing from these bulb seems to rot easily. I don't have much experience with these since I killed all of them for different reason. I no longer have source nearby to these out again.
But I heard these are easy to grow. They should be grow outdoor or bright light after you hardening it off.
I kill my Arundina by not given enough light and constant moisture (not soggy) and contaminated potting mix.