Originally Posted by Dorothy
Thats what I plan on doing with mine. Just need to get the right size wire (almost if not thicker than Coat Hanger wire).
The suggestion/post made by "adriponic" is VERY useful for this particular Orchid (even good for anyone who grows other plants that have a growth like vines).
At the moment I am unable to let it grow higher than about 4'-5'.
As soon as I am able to find a suitable House/Condo to buy, THEN I will be setting up a more appropriate growing space for my orchids.
As you can see in my grow area now, I am very limited...if you look carefully you can see the pole that my Vanilla is growing up.
The media I am growing in is an Orchid mix medium size) with black soil (not a lot) and sphagnum moss on top (to keep the moisture up) since it gets dry fast. I realize I run the risk of rot, but with the easy drainage in the pot (clay pot). This shouldn't be an issue. The Vanilla seems to really like this, my only other problem at the moment is when I have to repot it, going to be a very tricky thing indeed!
I have read that they have delicate stalks at smaller sizes...and not sure how much room the roots need. Unlike other species of orchids (epiphytes and terrestials), Vanilla is actually both. The Vanilla is in a 6.5" pot.
Just hope this works for awhile yet.