Originally Posted by billc
Greenbean, DEER DON'T EAT IT ! I may have to get some of these. The deer where I live think I'm their salad bar provider. The only plants I can grow unprotected are boxwood and daffodils. Everything else is chewed to bare wood by the end of winter. One of my neighbors is thinking of trying to get hosta listed as an endangered species.
I know!! At my house they even try to eat boxwood! They just nibble and pull at it though. I can grow daffodils, yuccas, barberry (I love these because I've watched the deer try to eat the soft leaves only to jerk their heads back after getting their tongues pierced!

), irises, rhodies, and a few others I've found in my short 19 years that deer don't like. Just keep in mind that I've got blacktails and you probably have whitetails. And even within one species of deer in one area, different deer have different tastes that very from season to season and year to year. I grew gladiolus for 2 or 3 years. The deer never gave them a second look. Suddenly, they decide glad flowers are delicious. I got rid of almost all my glads because it just hurt to see mangled flower stalks every year

. One thing that seems to be universally inedible to deer are ornamental grasses, and there's so much variety that there's something for everyone. Pfff! The only hosta I've even bothered trying to grow is Pandora's Box. This beautiful little 2-3 inch dwarf stays on my deck out of reach!!
Bletilla is sooooo worth the risk though. Try it!!! That's the only way to find out what you can and can't grow!
Dorothy! Thanks for the book reference!!

I joined right before you disappeared and am only now coming to appreciate and enjoy firsthand the wonderful Mod I've heard so much about!
Mom! Dad! Guess what I want for my birthday!!!....