Thanks, Brooke. I have both of those on hand so will give them a try, and I'm thinking of net pots. I assume that you chop up the sphag rather than using long strands?
Sandy for me a slight winter rest occurs just because the media takes longer to dry out. The roots never want to be totally dry.
I grow mine in baskets. When the top is dry and the moisture I feel between the slats is slightly damp, I water. The dry top and slightly damp occur at the same time.
During the summer I water every other day but this time of year it is stretching to three or four days, depending on how many sunny days I am getting.
Sandy for me a slight winter rest occurs just because the media takes longer to dry out. The roots never want to be totally dry.
Brooke, that's what I thought was meant, the weather dictating the length of drying inbetween waterings. Thanks so much (once again!) for clarifyng this!