Because I've been slacking, here are some updates...
Last night around 4am, we discovered our water heater had breathed it's last and spewed LOTS of water all over our basement floor. Luckily we were still awake LOL

and the husband found it. He shut the water off and saved us much more pain. Our only pain now is the $800 bill, not having any water, and having to sit around all day long waiting for them to call and say they will come fix it now *sigh!!*
SO... here's my Mexipedium before
And here it is now
J&L Orchids was our special speaker at the OS today. I preordered this plant based on pics I saw online, but of the 2 she brought, this was the best and I'm not sure why I thought I wanted it now. Except that it's in a 1" pot and so tiny?

Capanemia uliginosa
I was SO thrilled to find an orchid that was tops on my wishlist so I bought this one too!!!

Mediocalcar decorata
It has new growths and at least one bud... very happy with this one
This one I think I will never own, but I've never seen such colors in a flower and it was LOVE at first sight

Pardon the Snapple machine in the background, this was the best picture angle and since it wasn't my plant, I didn't want to handle it.
Here is a closeup of the flowers

The name written on the show tag was
Vasco Mona Heider X V. Tassellata
OK, sorry I didn't do thumbnails. I forget how. Hope you can enjoy anyway. And of course hard working genius Sue can change them if she wants