Care of Stenosarcos vangurad and robiquetia cerina
Can anyone give me some tips on the lighting and watering requirements of Robiquetia cerina or Stenosarcos vanguard. I've just started increasing my collection from the more common phals and oncidium's and i can't find anything on the care of these two plants. Thanks in advance.
I have one stn. vanguard "fireball" & it has been ready to blossom now for 3 weeks, but doesn't open. I am going to get some sphagnum moss today & put it in the next size pot to see if that works. I read that sphagnum moss is the medium used, though I don't really like it because it attracts small flies.
Robiquetia cerina - also found under its synonym R. merrillii - should be grown under intermediate to warm temperatures under bright light. Pot the plant in a small pot - just slightly larger than the roots - in a medium grade bark mix or equivalent. The stems root only at the base so be careful not to flex the stem and cause any damage - a damaged to will not root.
Stenosarcos should be grown like a houseplant and it does very well as a housepalnt in Florida. I would grow it in Promix or similar potting soil. Medium light, intermediate temperatures. I wouldn't grow it in pure sphagnum as I imagine most people would then kep te plants/rootstoo wet. This is also an excellent plant to grow under lights.
Stenosarcos is very easy! I have mine in a net pot with a bark mix that probably dries out every day though I water it every day too. After three weeks I would expect flowering to begin but your plant may be slow?
Another problem causing flowsering difficulties is the condition of the roots. If you have kept the soil moist then inspect the roots-they should be fleshy and firm. Do not pot into sphagnum. Check out the roots-they are large and fleshy and can handle drought.