Does anyone have experience growing this species? i just got a flask and thinking what would be the best media to deflask into. I have heard sphagnum can be good. Would deflasking into sphagnum moss be my best option? the only other jewel orchid species i currently have growing is ludisia discolor which i grow in ordinary well drained potting mix.
I got the flask from easyorchids which is located in Woodburn in NSW and there were 20 plantlets in the flask. Apparently the plants came from a pod collected in PNG originally. I don't grow many jewel orchids but this one was hard for me to pass up after seeing photos of it and adult plants are quite spectacular. I've been watching over these little ones like a hen watches over her chicks, haha
I'm very sure the sphagnum is growing my friend. They apparently also like high humidity. It has new shoots. I can get you are closer view if you like but the most important thing is that the orchid seedlings are growing the sphagnum growing is just a curiosity.
Thanks for the info ol'82 I know the owner of Easy orchids & will contact him to see if he has any more flasks or if he has deflasked any. If we head back to Aus. I will get some.
Here is how they are looking now. I spent alot of time and effort looking after these little ones and it seems to have payed off. Some tried to flower on me at a small size so i chopped the flowering stems to encourage new growth instead.
Last edited by OrchidLover1982; 01-22-2009 at 11:58 PM..
It looks like the veins are on fire! Great job! And that is definitely the sphag growing and not just algae. I love jewels, especially Macodes, but haven't gotten my hands on any yet. Probably could, but I have a hard time trusting websites and mail-order.