Dove Orchid newest leaf curling
Hey All,
I have this Peristeria elata Which I have had for over a year now. A little history, This is the newest growth and leaf. P bulb just forming and I have noticed leaf curl of the youngest leaf although this leaf has been around since like June. No curling on any other new growth leaves. I have kept the media moist not soggy, let it come almost dry before watering again just to moist. This is one orchid which I do not let sit in water for any amount of time, just water till it starts to come out. My guess is that it is doing this to conserve water for the P-bulb to grow, and possibly bloom down the road. I have this in a peat-sphag moss-bark-marble chips mix and for the most part it is doing really well this year Last year it was in shock with new environment and had minor bacterial infection. Dont see that with this years growth. I must say the past day or 2 that p-bulb grew a lot. I've attached a pic. Humidity has been from 40 to 60 percent and temps have been from 72 to 65. Its been in the pot since I got it last October or so.