Congrats on blooming this little fellow! Mine doesn't smell that much.
Originally Posted by DaylightFirefly
Very nice bloom! Nice job growing this mini!
Two of them died in my care.  one lingered for almost a year, but perished quite rapidly.
I do grow mine on the windowsill about 6 months of the year. Currently it lives outdoors. Temperatures between 48F and 70F, but up to 88F. And it even survived a few hours in 98F while the sun battered on it's pot. Oops!
I grow it potted after 2 failed attempts to grow it mounted. But I have to say, they didn't have a lot of roots to start with.
It's thriving now it's outdoors (humidity indoors is higher!). After I removed it from it's mount, it took quite a while to recover but now it's potted it does very well.
I try to keep it moist at all times, but it's forgiving when I'm too late watering it.