Mine grew in spahg for several years, then I lost it. However, I don't think that low pH would be a problem, they grow in leaf litter on the forest floor, a pretty acidic environment. But hopefully someone with longer-range success can jump in. I suspect my problem was inadequate humidity - these jewels need a LOT.
San Francisco Orchid Society had a great talk on the subject by Nick Rust. The video is viewable for members only. (I am... the wonders of Zoom! I'll never get to a meeting, an 8 hour drive, but I enjoy the meetings) But some of the points of basic culture were;
High humidity with decent air movement - vivarium is great environment
Water when nearly dry but don't go totally dry
Medium: his generic potting mix is fast draining, consisting of equal parts coarse perlite, fine pine bark, fine charcoal, chopped sphagnum, and peat-based soil mix
Macodes don't get anything special within the group, he says that they are a little more forgiving of drying out, so maybe humidity isn't quite as critical.
He is on Facebook as @rusty.orchids and Instagram rustyexotics_orchids ... worth checking out, he is a very knowledgeable source.