For growing medium, I use my terrestrial mix... imprecisely toss pumice, perlite, sand, and cactus mix together to make a brew that drains well. I have grown it in fine bark too, but the terrestrial soil mix seems to work better. Other than that, bright shade or filtered sun. I water it all year - when it dies back after blooming the new shoots tend to appear within a few weeks or a month so it doesn't really "rest", at least not long enough to change one's culture. It doesn't particularly care about water quality... mine gets city water, I am sure worse than yours. Generally I have found that most terrestrials aren't particularly fussy about water quality - after all, they grow in "dirt", as opposed to epiphytes that, in nature, get pure rainwater on the sides of trees. I repot this one rarely - seems to do better with minimal disturbance.
Last edited by Roberta; 04-13-2021 at 11:03 PM..