Well, last week was a dream come true. First on Wednesday, my project orchid Sedirea japonica arrived from Oak Hill Gardens with two traveling companions...Paph. Delenatii (small yet) and Lc. Chyong Guu Swan 'White Jade' (very large in 6" pot with 4 nubbins coming but no picture yet). By the way, I was very concerned when they arrived because of the extreme change in weather temps at night, but it had a heat pack and it was wrapped to the extreme! Perfect!
Secondly, Thursday I went to an orchid greenhouse not too far from me and purchased 5 more!!!!! I had been planning to go to the orchid greenhouse for a long time, but the weather wouldn't cooperate.
I bought a Dendrobium aggregatum 'Majus' with 5 spikes only a few days from opening. I also bought a Bifrenaria harrisoniae that has two blooms and two more to come. A Milt. Renee Komoda 'Pacific Clouds' with 5 spikes (no picture yet)....and two Phals: P. Taisuco Mirage x Dtps. Taisuco Twinkle and P. Everspring Prince that blew me away. This is the ramblings of a mad woman after a long brutal winter with no incoming orchids until now!!!
WOW. That helps overcome a long hard winter. Your plants look fantastic. Your in-bloom Sedirea japonica is so beautiful, and I really like the Bifrenaria harrisoniae.
Isn't it fun to finally think SPRING? Our new plants give our spirits a boost again.
Maybe you should change your handle to Kiki-do-whatever-Kiki-want. Not a bad philosophy anyway.
How about Kiki-Wants-Now or Kiki-Gets-Whatever-Kiki-Wants (my personal philosophy)
How about Kiki-Helps-US Economy. I like that one. Maybe I should join you.
I think you should get some more while you're on a roll. That philosophy has banished me to the greenhouse forever.
Hope you like 'em.
I don't buy whenever I want, whatever I want, trust me. It has been a while and I've been saving up for these purchases. Winters are long and dreary here and it was a wonderful day to spend browsing in a greenhouse of beautiful orchids and intoxicating scents.
Thank you all for some really nice comments!
I don't buy whenever I want, whatever I want, trust me. It has been a while and I've been saving up for these purchases.
Jeees! Kiki-Do lighten up. I'm just kidding. It must have been a bad winter! You might think about moving further south. I'm sure you saved carefully for your orchids. Enjoy them.