Couple of Eulophias
For you desert dwellers, some really tough orchids from Africa...
Eulophia petersii basically grows like a cactus. Hard, pointy leaves with serrated edges. I grow it in pea gravel.
Spike is about 4 ft (1.3 m) tall, just getting started opening.
Eulophia speciosa - blooms sequentially over a period of several months. Leaves not as "dangerous" as E. petersii, but still hard and pointy. I grow it in sand.
Choice of media was based on how I got the plants... I repotted into same medium as what I got them in several years ago since they were doing really well that way. E. speciosa bloomed for me last year, this is the first bloom I have had from E. petersii. I don't water these in winter, but I don't protect them from rain (so they get a little water, but very irregularly) In spring/summer/fall they get watered with everything else. Note that in both cases, leaves tend to be rather vertical, so they don't present broad surfaces to the sun. No shelter for these.