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04-07-2008, 01:10 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Birmingham, UK
Posts: 39
Purple Zygopetalum hybrid
I wondered if anyone might be able to identify this.....
Whatever it is, its gorgeous, and a real snip at the price i paid.

04-07-2008, 01:22 PM
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Im almost willing to bet the bank that its a Bollopetalum (bollea x zygo). Can't tell you the exact cross, there have gotten to be so many zygo hybrids that you may never find out. My second guess would be a Zygotorea (pescatoria x zygo)

04-08-2008, 09:28 PM
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Care for Galeopetalum Giant ‘Rhein Moon-light
Hello Paul,
Can you explain proper care (light, water, air humidity) of a zygo hybrid. I just got a beautiful Galeopetalum Giant ‘Rhein Moon-
light’ (cross between and Galeottia
grandiflora and Zygopetalum Artur Elle)

04-08-2008, 10:47 PM
Join Date: Apr 2008
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I just got my first Rhein Moonlight as well. The grower suggested relatively cool temperatures (55-60 degrees at night), moderate to bright light but not full sun, fertilize once about 1x/month. I'll be interested to know if anyone else here has any more extensive experience with these---I love the colors and shape of the flower.

04-07-2008, 02:14 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Birmingham, UK
Posts: 39
aaaaah now having done some homework i rather fancy this is in fact a Zygonisia (Acacallis cyanea x Zygo arthur elle).

04-07-2008, 03:03 PM
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i think your right

04-08-2008, 10:06 PM
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That is very neat!

04-09-2008, 08:32 AM
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haha, they must be a popular hybrid this week. I just picked one up at a show. It was the only zygo on any of the vendor tables so obviously it was leaving with me  . Ok for my zygos I grow them in medium to bright light anywhere from 2500 - 3500 FC. The humidity where they are is about 65-70% on average and they seem to do quite well in it. As far as watering it just depends on your watering practices. They seem to be like phals. Evenly moist in free draining media. Some growers use a semi terrestrial mix. I personally use a mix of fine bark and sphagnum moss. I tried just straight sphagnum with my first zygo but I think I was too heavy for my heavy handed watering tendencies. So the bark helps open the mix up a bit and help it to drain faster. As for fertilizer I follow the same rule with most of my chids. weakly weekly (half strength in the summer and 1/4 strength through the winter). I do have a few deciduous orchids that I stop fertilizing totally through the winter but not the zygos. hope this helps some. good luck

04-09-2008, 10:29 AM
Jr. Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 4
Thanks Anika and Paul, this is very helpful.
Paul do you spray your zygos' leaves with water? I am in northern California and there is very little humidity in the air in summer - I don't have a greenhouse.
Thanks again

04-09-2008, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by angessence
Thanks Anika and Paul, this is very helpful.
Paul do you spray your zygos' leaves with water? I am in northern California and there is very little humidity in the air in summer - I don't have a greenhouse.
Thanks again
I don't. I have them on humidity trays and a humidifier running in the room so it stays pretty high, not to mention that summers here in NY are a little more humid than the amazon river basin  I don't see a problem doing that so long as you do it early enough in the day that the plants can dry out before night.
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