Originally Posted by Leafmite
Fantastic! I am amazed at the variety in the blooms! The leaves, though...they are all very attractive plants even out of bloom.
Could not have been said better. The structure & form (especially the different leaf shapes and colors) truly make me very fond of these plants. Just another added bonus when they flower.
Been keeping about 50+ different species & a handful of hybrids (as a hobby). Have not bought any for awhile because most of what I am growing are long-lived (and I've been successful at keeping them going via offsets and growing from seed) but no longer have the patience, or time, to propagate by seed.
A lot of forums are a bit finicky about promoting sellers and/or vendor reviews. OB is a great forum because they more or less let you tell it like it is (this forum seems to have mature members that reply with adult responses that are truthful and not meant to be profited by, and/or hurtful to anyone). There are a lot of good
Tillandsia vendors out there. I guess I could PM you with that information, but am a bit lazy at the moment - hope the mods don't mind and consider the following to be appropriate.
I have corresponded with many of the older ones (vendors that have been in it for a long time) over the years, but hesitate to name names... don't really like showing favoritism or promoting someone's business... so on that note (and breaking my own personal rules): a couple of vendors that are getting a solid "toe-hold" with quality plants and customer service - Nathan & Meredith Miller with Air Plant Hub & Chris Davis with Davis Farms Wholesale Tillandsia. Some of the solid older vendors - Paul with RFI, Pam with BRT, Dennis with Tropiflora, Louis with PO, and Andrew with CTS to name a few.