Originally Posted by Roberta
My tags aren't changing, but I agree that as new evidence rolls in , that the species reclassifications are necessary for scientific accuracy. Unfortunately, that also affects the hybrids that derive from the species. And the changes may change as more information is obtained - it is the nature of science that we must go where the data take us. Easy solution... a good cross reference. I do love my Orchidwiz.
I absolutely agree on OrchidWiz. Probably not worth the investment for a beginner with 6 grocery store NoIDs, but if you've been at it for 5+ years, may spend $50+ on a plant, and have any interest in accurate identification and naming, it is invaluable. The absolute best single source for culture information also, and so many ways to research species and hybrids.
My point with RHS was that regardless of the rapid and necessary changes in taxonomy, the way they managed the implementation to hybrid naming added a lot of chaos and frustration that was not necessary. It wouldn't be such a source of confusion and irritation if they had managed it better.