A very exciting update!
What's that hunk of cork doing there?
Oh. It's new plants.
I'm not too sure if they will live here long term. Honestly.
They might go into the setup I'm working on when it's done. And the cork will work better in the new setup.
If they like it.... I think maybe I'll think of something more seamless.
So, first, new trichosalpinx. The last attempt died. But! This time there's live moss on the rock. And it's not a freak heatwave in summer.
I'll be arranging this more neatly soon.
Next up. An orchid that's so incredible.
It's been on my wishlist for years and now I own one.
Dendrobium parvulum 'blue'.
Pictures of blooms online vary from a beautiful lilac to a sky blue. I don't know if the colour is truer to lilac, or if there's simply a range of colours from violet to blue.
Either way I'm ecstatic to even find out.
And a surprise! Another hard to find bugger. Constantia cipoensis. A total surprise.
I didn't remove it from its mount, but did remove the bulk of its mount to make room. I'll attach that to the original mount later.
Why is it shoved in the corner? Because I read it likes higher light, good humidity, but not alot of water, and cooler temps.
I consider this lamp intermediate to warm. And that area is the coolest with decent light, and fairly dry.
The lepanthes bloom is fully open.
You can really see the delicate translucency now.
And I tied the aerangis down.
I honestly don't have much hope for it.
I just feel like it's going to die.