Ok so here is an update on one of my vivariums....
I will be putting pics her up slowly..
here is a few of the things in here.
Aerangis punctata
Aerangis distincta
Angreacum urschianum
Pleu. sortuloides
Bulb. rosemary beads.
Schoenorchis fragans.
Schoenorchis taxeri
Dendrophylax lindenii
Dendrophylax fawcetti
Chiloschista segawai
Chiloschilsta lunifera
another leafless I can't hunk the name of bulbocalcarata something something
micro micro micro.. Pleurothalis dressleri,
Constantia rupestris
Constantia microscopica
Constantia cipoensis
Leila liliputiana .. not so micro but little and amazing!!!
Lep. coladyction.. also not micro..
Pleurothallis alata. Thank you TOM!!!!!!
Lep. telepogoniflora.
non orchids.. some tiny liver works miniature ferns. and tiny little ground cover plants i forget the names for, but I will pu them up later..
um.... yeah.. Thats about a fourth of what i have in there..
I just can't think of it the rest..
right now..
forgive my spelling sorry tired.
oh yes this is my growou viv..