This is my 1st mini Catt. It's as cute as a button!

At the moment mine has 9 flowers on it and plenty more sheaths developing. I constantly give orchids as gifts to spread the "Orchid bug" and this was one of the last gifts. I made a wall mount out of 12"X20" slate covered with bamboo and a copper ring to hold the pot.

It went to its new home complete with AOS cattleya culture sheets and specific culture hand writen on the reverse side. My plant is planted in lava rock & charcoal. east facing window suplimented with a 42wCFL, 55-75%humidity, 66-81F at the moment. I got it 2 months ago in a 3 in plastic pot and gentely repoted it in a 4 in orchid pot. It has grown 5 new PSB's since, all with sheaths... Hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!!!

I so need a better camera!!!
The gift plant

On its wall mount
