Thanks Tindo!
Goods14, yes I did end up keeping this in my dorm, and it has 3 healthy new growths, good root growth, and this new bloom. I have a terrarium I use for plants like this that need high humidity. It keeps the humidity up around 80-90%. My cheap (and likely horribly inaccurate) light meter reads about 2500fc from the full spectrum fluorescent light built into the top. I have this plant about 5 inches from the light. I use distilled water and water just as the moss starts to look dry (but before it gets crispy, maybe once or twice a week). Temps for the last few months have been in the low 70F during the day and mid-60F at night, though it did fine with sustained daytime highs in the 80F range and nights in the mid to high 70F, at least for the few weeks after I got it at the end of summer before things cooled down.