They are all beautiful but I especially like the Lepanthopsis astrophora and the pleurothallis alata. I would like to own one of both of these, some day.
Very nice!! Love them! Especially LOVE the Lepanthopsis astrophora. Would really like to get one myself, but fear it would want cooler temps than I could provide. Nice growing!!
Actually all of these seem pretty hardy and tolerant of less than an optimal environment. I grow them all in my East facing windows. They get full sun in the summer till early afternoon shaded only by the bigger plants near them and temps get in the 90's near my windows and in winter they get what meager sun Oregon has to offer and temps can get to upper 40's near the windows at night. I grow them in sphag in clay pots on "humidity trays" (old take out sushi trays with pumice layered on the bottom). I was pretty neglectful this winter in watering but they seemed to have survived despite me.