The second spike is now flowered with 3 flowers & one more bud! (third flower just opened yesterday) ..
My apologies Tindo I somehow missed your question 'on my question'. What I meant to ask is do the others you suggested (Parishii etc) keep on flowering as the Lobbii ? - as mine's on it's second spike & have I have had spike & flowers since november last year (8 months)
first spike 3 blooms & now 2nd spike 4 blooms!
Hey, these are gorgeous!!
can you grow these miniature phals in a shallow pot, like an Erin pot? thanks!!!
Sorry, I only have the one mounted on cork, so I can't help much, .. but you can always try! mine has moss on the mount & I water about once a week when the moss gets 'crunchy'. It's now growing a new leaf.