about a month and a few days ago I bought Psygmorchis pusilla. After a week or so I moved it with it's cork base in my terrarium where it stayed for about a week. It had one big bud which was about to flower and and 2 small ones.
So I decided to unmount it from the cork (it wasn't attached at all) and mounted it on the wood in my terrarium.
First I put its roots in a living moss, but did not bury them, just pushed two of them lightly in the moss. Then the biggest bud opened. Few days later I noticed that the roots that were inserted into the moss started to rot (went soft, but not black) and the first leave started to yellow slightly and soften. So I moved it again - this time on a place with no moss. The place is ventilated from a 4cm fan, which is located on about 25cm distance. But also it is in the way of the sprinkler, which runs for 40 seconds every day.
After few days the two unopened buds yellowed and dropped one after another. But the flower did not and is still in perfect shape after 10 days or so. There are 4 actively growing roots, but the leaves seem yellowing (more in the base region). So I wonder if I'm overwatering it. There is a drier place which is in the periphery of the sprinkler, but I'm afraid that it can be too dry there.
Now the parameters of the environment.
The tank is 90 liters, no ventilation to the outside air,
though I open it for 15-20 minutes after
misting. Inside air movement is done by 40mm fan above the front glass and another 80mm fan on low rpm which rotate the hole air volume through the cooling box that is behind the tank. The cooling system drops the humidity somewhat in the night (due to condensation on it) and also in the day when the outside temp is above 23C (the last 2 weeks is below 23). So at the moment the RH stays above 95% during the day and drops down to 85-90 in the night.
maximum day temperature 21.5 C
minimum night temperature 16.1 C
Lights On 10:30, Off 00:30
Misting every day at 10:40 for 40 seconds.
Lights: 4 led lamps 6500K - 2x400 lumen and 2x1050 lumen. The smaller lamps are located directly above the plant on about 30 cm, the other to are a bit diagonaly on about 40-45 cm
misting the plant is dripping wet, but it dries out completely (white roots) in about 7 hours.
Any suggestions are welcomed.
Here is in the moss:
Here is after the relocation (5th of October)- the first bud is already in bad shape. The place is just 10 cm to the left from the first place.
And this is now

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